I had to share one of the custom mini top hats I shipped this week. When I ask people what their inspiration is, I love seeing photos of lavish tea parties and bouquets of peonies. But one special lady simply responded "Thunderstorms. Blue and Yellow". What a smashing concept. The outcome was a delight. I love this hat so much, I had trouble shipping it!

Created from scratch using my favorite* blue/gray dupioni silk. I tried to convey the rolling of thunder with the dramatic cascade of pale yellows. Bolts of striking yellow flowers and pops of dusty blue buds. The droopy yellow and blue stems in the back are breathlessly romantic. There are subtle rhinestones and pearls hidden within for even more depth.

Once the photos were taken, it reminded me so much of "The Garden of Earthly Delights" by
Hieronymus Bosch. A little dark and a lot of fantasy.

I am thrilled to say this is now for sale in my shop for tea party goers, throwers, lovers of gardens, thunderstorms or anything delightful!
click on image for listing:

I have to thank my customers once again for for inspiring me every single day!
One Love,