When my most darling, my most favorite fellow gypsy craftess invited me for a terrarium party, I packed the dogs and anything miniature I could find and sped to her oasis! T has the most luscious, the most whimsical, the most inspiring outdoor space you have ever seen. If you're gonna spend a spring day making terrariums - you want to do it HERE. ENJOY!
Some of our fixins'! Moss rolls, Moss rocks, Moss sheets!
Moss Moss Moss!!!! Succulents! Succulents Succulents!
Big orange dinosaur. Check.
Dino meet and greet!!!
Tia Terrarium Tip!! : Sprinkle a bit of sand before you add soil for drainage and to keep your layers in place!
Papi straight chillin' on the lanai. Dreaming of doggy terrariums.
This is not a dream. It is real.
My Juney always scouts out the prettiest seat in the house. (duh.)
Dun dun dun!! Suki wants IN to play with the dinosaurs.

Hooray! My little birds nest terrarium. Including an itty bitty water jug mi madre brought back as a San Diego souvenir. Love when things find their place!
Tiny yard pinecones win again!
One of my dearest friends, Denise, gifted me this tiny Barbie ornament set for Christmas, oh, I dont know....a hundred years ago. Of course I kept it tucked away like a little hoarder. Clearly, they were waiting for this moment to arrive!
How cool is it that these shoe boxes open? I super glued the heels onto the shoe box. Can't have any glass slippers slipping away.
Love love love Johnny Jumpers. I remember feeding these to a box turtle I found when I was wee.
Of course Tia just happens to have a tupperware container full of sea urchin shells. The PERFECT addition to her dainty terrarium. This one is going to look so amazing as it grows. Buddah is pleased.
What a fine looking bunch!!!!
Have an utterly delightful and inspired day all!!
Jas & Tia
For more Tia and Jas craftastic eye candy, check out this post: