♥Fitting Room♥ "An exclusive and pioneering artistic event, in which the latest in fashion and trend is exposed in a hotel, where each artist will represent and create their own world in one of its rooms. Different artistic disciplines come together in this unique event which provides the best and most innovating national and international panorama, and where artists and designers will be able to present their work in an area of interaction with the public."
Writer, jewelry designer and fellow
MTuent, was chosen to be one of the fifty designers showcasing at the Hotel
Melia in the city of Bilbao, Spain in September. She creates some of the most delectable and surreal jewelry you have ever seen. Handmade from vintage metals, natural gemstones to ancient glass.

Thousands of artists, designers, press and media will attend the Five Star Hotel
Melia on September 24
th and 25
th to take in the showrooms and create a buzz.

MTuent's vision is to showcase her work through a Circus themed room complete with an indoor tent and Two Back Flats Mini Top Hats!!!!

I want to send a gargantuan THANK YOU to the amazingly talented
MTuent for including me in this once in a lifetime opportunity and showcasing my work in her "world"! Please join me in congratulating her and sending her successful and strong vibes as she prepares for September!