Monday, February 4, 2013

Colorful little wedding hats

I pull up to Readyluck's studio which is in one of my absolute favorite parts of Baltimore and I know this is going to be a bloody good day. This part of town is nothing but bricks and bricks and windows and windows. Old textile mills and foundries from the 17th century that look as if they just grew from the earth and then Baltimore happened around it. So much of the city's innovation and growth happened exactly where this shoot went down. It is really no wonder that this team gathered there... and I'm pretty sure we did the old walls justice.

I get into one of those crazy, old ass service elevators, ya know? With the double steel doors that give you that total "oh shit" moment when everything slams and rumbles and you inch slowwwwly up or down.

Then I walk into this lovely scene:


Can't really express how jealous I am that Lindsey and her team get to work in that kind of light every day.

 As I get to create on a daily basis I am finding more and more that I am mostly inspired by colors. I just love me an unexpected combination of anything!  Of course I was on board when I saw Readyluck's Neutral and Neon inspiration the ol' Pinterest..... I wont lie, I have not been the biggest advocate of the neon comeback but Lindsay turned it into art.

One totally whimsical, ridiculously radical, completely unique wedding style shoot = art art art.

(te-he - I am holding this giraffe behind the scenes ;) I was so stoked about this, 
I cannot even begin to tell you...)

I got this yellow and green psychedelic chic (what? that's a real thing) vintage fabric from an old barn in western Maryland. I'm not sure what kind of groovy blouse or something this fabric once made, but it is definitely continuing on its destiny with this mini hat.

A. I think I may have made this hat for the gorgeous Diamond Dixon (above & below) and not even known it.
B. I loved seeing this hat paired with both a bridesmaid dress and a wedding dress. It is clearly a win. 

This color combination was a bit of a mind melt for me, but I pretty much sweat this sunshine yellow silk with the pink, red and teal. I had to come back to this hat like fourteen times before it was complete. Worth it.

 I am also not sure if I am more in love with Lauren Ward's rainbow hair...which she does herself... or this white and gold porcelain gnome. Give me a fricken breakkkkk!!!


*** tinsel curtains *** 

As if this day wasn't inspiring and memorable enough, it was featured on Rock n Roll Bride!

Click the photo for the full feature with a TONNNNNN more photos of this magical, funky day. 

Check out the behind the scenes video here:


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