The first ever
Two Back Flats "Insert Name Here" Mini Top Hat Giveaway has come to a close you hilarious people!
This was nearly impossible with all the great names you entered. From
Bonbon LeClaire, Auntie Samanthie, Peak-a Blue, Madame Sprightly to Red White and Oomph! So. Fricken. Good. Im sad we can only pick one but I hope you all had some huge laughs this past week.
After much deliberation with the funniest person I know...my husband...we have chosen SICHELLE W. for her name
In our house: Wit. Wins. Always. I laughed for about 30 minutes when I read your entry and said "I cant believe I didnt think of that" about 17 times. Not only did Sichelle come up with the perfect name, but she was a
Facebook liking, link sharing rock star. This hat belongs to you <3
Check out your listing here:

The La La-Ge A Tois is officially on sale in my Etsy Shop! Thank you everyone for playing with us! The Insert Name Here Giveaway has ARRIVED and we'll definitely be doing this again soon. So, keep staying tuned on
Facebook :)

Wishing you a frisky weekend.
La La Love,